Irakische Gesichter - Bilder aus IrakJan Oberg stellt seine im Januar 2003 im Irak gemachten Bilder zur Verfügung, um zu zeigen, dass Irak nicht nur Saddam Hussein, Waffen und Krieg ist. Die gleiche Absicht verfolgt die “Baghdad Snapshot Action”.
“I R A Q I F A C E S A N D S U R F A C E S “ von Jan Oberg “With these pictures I want you to get a sense of the simple fact that Iraq is not only Saddam Hussein, weapons and wars. Iraq is 24 million fellow human beings. It has been a civilisation for some 7,000 years. It has a distinct, rich culture; it has norms, and - above all - it has pride. I did not go to Iraq to take pictures. I was there with my TFF friend, Christian Hårleman to interview people, to do fact-finding. So these pictures were taken in between meetings, spontaneously. Not all of you can go to Iraq but I invite you to travel a bit through the images of its faces and surfaces. Hopefully some of them can say more than I can by just using words. Look at them and ask whether anything can justify that they shall also go through, or die, in a new war.”
== Die “Baghdad Snapshot Action” “Simple pictures to help remember the dead and fight for the living” Veröffentlicht amArtikel ausdruckenWeitere Artikel auf der Lebenshaus-WebSite zum Thema bzw. von |